Assessment Phase Acceptance Form


Congratulations once again on your selection to proceed to the assessment/trial phase of our recruitment process at The Plenipotent Company. To confirm your participation and readiness to proceed, kindly complete the following acceptance form, including the non-disclosure agreement.

Assessment Phase Commitment

By submitting this form, I confirm my commitment to engaging fully in the assessment/trial phase of the recruitment process at The Plenipotent Company. I understand the significance of this opportunity, and I am excited to showcase my skills, learn about the company's values and culture, and contribute to assigned projects.

I agree to the following:

1. Virtual Workspace Integration: I am prepared to join The Plenipotent Company's virtual workspace and familiarise myself with relevant business processes.

2. Online Orientation Course: I understand that I will have access to an online orientation course to learn about The Plenipotent Company's vision, mindset, and fundamental skills expected from all team members.

3. Assigned Projects: I am committed to engaging with the tasks and projects assigned during this phase, and I will invest my best effort to demonstrate my capabilities.

4. Timelines: I acknowledge that the assessment phase will take place entirely online over a period of six weeks, and I will adhere to the given timelines for tasks and submissions.

Confidentiality Agreement

As a participant in the assessment/trial phase, I acknowledge and agree to maintain the strictest confidentiality regarding any information, documents, discussions, projects, or materials related to The Plenipotent Company's operations, clients, proprietary technology, business strategies, and any other sensitive information that I may come across during this phase.

I understand that this commitment to confidentiality extends beyond the assessment phase and applies indefinitely, even if I am not ultimately offered a position with The Plenipotent Company. I will not disclose, share, reproduce, or use any confidential information for personal gain or for the benefit of any other party.