Pre-screening Training Report ΔConfirm Your ParticipationFirst Name Surname Gender - Select -MaleFemalePosition Applied For - Select -Content Marketing InternDigital Business Management InternDigital Solutions InternEntrepreneur in TrainingExecutive AssistantGraduate IntrapreneurPrograms AssistantSmall Business Accounting IntrapreneurVirtual Assistant TraineeWebmaster TraineeEmail WhatsApp Number Learning Points from Recommended BookDid you read Remote Work Mastery book? - Select -YesNoI don't knowWhat's the most useful insight you got from the book and how do you intend to implement it? Why did you not read the book? Learning Points from Recommended CourseDid you complete and implement all the lessons from Remote Job Success course? - Select -YesNoWhich part did you not complete/implement and why? Course Completion Date What did you learn and how have you implemented the lessons? Overall FeedbackPlease use the range sliders below to provide your honest feedback about your experience with us. 0 is for completely poor and unsatisfactory experience. 10 is for completely excellent and exceedingly satisfactory experience.How clear was the information provided in the pre-screening training resources? 0How helpful were the resources in achieving the intended purpose? 0How well did the resources meet your expectations? 0What part of the resources did you find most valuable? What part of the resources did you find least valuable? How would you describe your overall experience? Do you have any suggestions for improving your experience? Do you think the learning experience will positively impact your career? - Select -DefinitelyProbablyNot SureProbably NotDefinitely NotHow did you first connect with us? - Select -Personal relationshipReferral/word of mouthJob boardPhysical eventOnline eventEmail newsletterSocial mediaInternet searchOtherIs there anything else you would like to tell us? Submit